Direct-Dialing your Z/IP ONE IP Audio Codec | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Dec 28, 2013 1:43:00 PM
Direct-Dialing your Z/IP ONE IP Audio Codec
Willem Hoekstra of Media Utilities in the Netherlands writes: "I've got a Z/IP ONE client who wants to connect Z/IP ONE codecs on a private network completely autonomously, without the Directory and NAT Traversal services provided by the Telos ZIP Server. Is that possible?"
Matt Rockwell of Telos tech support replies:
Yes, indeed! The Z/IP ONE can make a fully-featured, direct connection with another Telos Z/IP without using the Z/IP Server at all. Here's how:
For a direct-dial TSCP call from the front panel:
- Press the CONN button
- Enter the IP address of the Z/IP ONE that you'd like to call
- Clear the group name
- Make sure the call type says 'TSCP'
- Press CONN again, or scroll down select the Call! button (you can also add to the phonebook this way)
The units will now connect a full-fledged TSCP call with ACT. To add to the phonebook, just hit "Add to Phonebook.
For a direct-dial TSCP call from the webpage:
- From the webpage, go to the Autodial page and authenticate.
- Select the Connect tab
- Enter the IP address of the Z/IP ONE that you'd like to call
- Press Connect
The units will now connect. To add to the phonebook instead, go to the Auto tab. Press the Add button. Put the IP address in the 'Device name' field, create an optional friendly screen name for the phonebook, and change the Buddy Type to TSCP. Leave all other fields blank, and click Save. When you go back to the main Auto page, the new entry should be in the list, in blue. You don't need to put the 'tscp:' in front of the IP address in either case.
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