Infinity IP Intercom v1.7 Update Offers New Features & Functionality | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Dec 18, 2020 1:04:31 PM
Infinity IP Intercom v1.7 Update Offers New Features & Functionality
Telos Alliance has been making many improvements to the Telos Infinity IP Intercom platform over the last several months, and we are excited to share with you the latest update to Infinity, v1.7. This one is a biggie as it adds some new embedded software features and introduces Dashboard Application and Dashboard Server that replace Dashboard Basic and Dashboard Advanced. So grab a cup of tea and settle in for a good read—there is a lot to unpack here, but it's all great stuff to help make your Infinity IP Intercom system even more powerful and easy to use.
New Features
Infinity Link Lite: Fulfilling the increased need for At Home production, the new VoIP-only mode for Panels and Beltpacks enables the user to connect remotely via the Internet. Link Lite is free to use on any v1.7 Panel or Beltpack—you don't need to purchase a full Infinity Link license. You can select modes from Web UI. Link Lite automatically activates Link channels—two per Beltpack and eight per Master Panel. It assigns Link to Keys 1 and 2 (BP), and 1 to 8 (panels). Link Lite switches off LW Multicast to enable connection to domestic LAN.
Redundant Ethernet Support – SMPTE ST 2022-7: Infinity Panels will now support SMPTE ST2022-7 Seamless Protection Switching. This is a method by which both NIC ports are connected to separate networks so that redundant streams of SMPTE 2022 packets can create a single reconstructed output stream through seamless protection switching at the RTP datagram level.
Redundant Ethernet Support – Bonded Failover Mode: This is an alternative means to provide network redundancy via the secondary NIC port on an Infinity Panel. In this mode, the Panel will detect when the network connection is lost at the primary port and connect via the secondary in the event of network failure.
4-Channel Beltpack Support: Did you know we now have a 4-Channel Beltpack for Infinity? We do! You can find the details here. Dashboard will provide support for the new Infinity BP4 quad-channel wired Beltpack. The Beltpack Key configuration tool adds Talk/Listen channels 3 and 4 and supports the BP4’s “3-channels + Reply” mode.
Telos Infinity Beltpack 4
Device Remote Control as a Docked View in Dashboard: In this release of Dashboard, users can now access the Panel and Beltpack remote control function directly as a ‘Docked View’ in Dashboard via the lower-left quadrant device configuration tool.
Assignable Onscreen GPI Scene Triggers: In response to a direct customer request, users can now make Scene/Snapshot ‘Set Live’ functionality via a GPI command.
Introducing Dashboard Application and Dashboard Server
Dashboard Application
Dashboard Application is a standalone PC application for small- to medium-sized Infinity systems for a single user. It’s available in licenses for systems of 4, 8, 16, or 24 devices (a device is a Master Panel, Desktop Panel, or Beltpack; Expansions are excluded). You get unlimited sources, destinations, PL, IFB, Group, and VP. Customers that were using Dashboard Basic previously will need to upgrade.
With V1.7, we have ended Dashboard Basic and Dashboard Advanced and replaced them with options that reflect the real value of Dashboard! There will no longer be a free option for Dashboard. We have replaced Dashboard Basic with Dashboard Application, and Dashboard Advanced with Dashboard Server. All features are common across the Dashboard platform—the only difference is the number of devices and users. Dongle licensing is also available as an option. Dashboard Application and Server have almost identical features to v1.6.18 Advanced.
New Product: Beltpack Protective Sleeve
In addition to these developments in the Infinity platform, we’ve also introduced the silicon rubber-based rugged Beltpack protective sleeve, available in packs of 5. These are designed to keep beltpacks safe from the kind of impact damage often associated with portable communications devices and reduce wear and tear over time. The material efficiently transfers heat from the active device to its outer layer, ensuring that the high level of protection does not compromise performance of the Beltpack.
The Infinity Web Portal has all the software updates and information Infinity users will need including manuals and brochures.
Further reading:
Practical Show Tech Ep.27 Telos Infinity IP intercom with Martin Dyster
SportsTech On Demand with Telos Alliance's Martin Dyster on Current Updates to Telos Infinity IP Intercom
Telos Alliance has led the audio industry’s innovation in Broadcast Audio, Digital Mixing & Mastering, Audio Processors & Compression, Broadcast Mixing Consoles, Audio Interfaces, AoIP & VoIP for over three decades. The Telos Alliance family of products include Telos® Systems, Omnia® Audio, Axia® Audio, Linear Acoustic®, 25-Seven® Systems, Minnetonka™ Audio and Jünger Audio. Covering all ranges of Audio Applications for Radio & Television from Telos Infinity IP Intercom Systems, Jünger Audio AIXpressor Audio Processor, Omnia 11 Radio Processors, Axia Networked Quasar Broadcast Mixing Consoles and Linear Acoustic AMS Audio Quality Loudness Monitoring and 25-Seven TVC-15 Watermark Analyzer & Monitor. Telos Alliance offers audio solutions for any and every Radio, Television, Live Events, Podcast & Live Streaming Studio With Telos Alliance “Broadcast Without Limits.”
Topics: Infinity v1.7
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