Radio in the Combat Zone | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 29, 2011 12:12:00 PM
Radio in the Combat Zone
Chances are, if you've been in broadcasting a while, you've got some tales to tell. Like the time you were stuck overnight at the transmitter site during the worst storm in memory, babying the emergency genset through the night. Or the time the cops took down the crazy listener in the parking lot. Sure, we've all got 'em.
But if you're in the mood for some honest-to-goodness tales of broadcast life during wartime, check out this TWiRT segment wherein Telos' Kirk Harnack talks with Simon Jackson of AVC Group's New Zealand branch about building radio studios for Moby Media's Arakozia FM in Kabul, Afghanistan. You'll hear about the finer points of gun etiquette during dinner, how to perform a full Axia field-upgrade on a radio station that's still on the air, and what to do when your only UPS backup mysteriously disappears in a foreign country. Check out the video below, and catch more TWiRT episodes with Kirk at
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