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TWiRT 301 - IP Audio Impairment Mitigation with Keyur Parikh | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 301 - IP Audio Impairment Mitigation with Keyur Parikh | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 30, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT301.pngTWiRT 301 - IP Audio Impairment Mitigation with Keyur Parikh

IP Audio security is a hot topic. IP Audio reliability is a strong concern as well. Keyur Parikh from GatesAir is working with a team of IP media experts to mitigate impairments to IP transport, and tells us about technical defenses against IP Audio hacking.

Guest: Keyur Parikh from GatesAir

Host: Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting



Links from the show:



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CEO Frank Foti on Disruptive Innovation at NAB 2016 | Telos Alliance

CEO Frank Foti on Disruptive Innovation at NAB 2016 | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 28, 2016 10:42:47 AM

Frank Foti and Cornelius Gould introduce GForce at NABCEO Frank Foti on Disruptive Innovation at NAB 2016

NAB 2016 is now in the books—another in the long list of exciting adventures we've experienced here at the Telos Alliance! Traffic in both of the Telos Alliance locations—Radio in the North Hall, TV in the South—was nonstop, with folks sometimes three-deep trying to get a look at our various offerings. In keeping with our mission of “disruptive innovation," the Telos Alliance radio division introduced µMPX. (Download the µMPX one-sheeter here.) This is a new technique for transporting the FM-Stereo composite (MPX) signal over an efficient data pipe. In a normal linear application, a connection that is more than 3Mbps would be required for an MPX path. µMPX is able to accomplish this using a 320kbps path! We do this with a newly designed, dedicated codec for the MPX signal. There is zero loss of peak control, and the audio quality is basically transparent. The µMPX display was live, and it incorporated a digital STL link provided by our friends at Moseley, which carried the signal over to the Nautel booth, where it was connected into one of their transmitters. At this time, we are finalizing some aspects of the tech, so our demo at NAB was essentially a preview. Keep your eyes peeled for more to come on this exciting development!
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Topics: NAB Las Vegas

TV at NAB: Telos Alliance NAB 2016 Wrap-up | Telos Alliance

TV at NAB: Telos Alliance NAB 2016 Wrap-up | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 28, 2016 10:37:30 AM

TV at NAB: Telos Alliance NAB 2016 Wrap-up

This year at NAB, the Telos Alliance's TV Division was in the South hall alongside many of the other TV broadcasting companies. While we missed our radio friends, who we normally share a booth with, we had an incredible show. Since last year's NAB, we added Minnetonka, with Linear and Minnetonka sharing a booth that received a constant stream of interested folks. We had several new and innovative products on display both in the cloud and in the flesh. Here's our short recap from the TV side of the Telos Alliance.

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Topics: NAB Las Vegas

Vintage Audio: 1920s Radio Workshop | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: 1920s Radio Workshop | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 26, 2016 11:30:00 PM

VoltmetersVintage Audio: 1920s Radio Workshop

As electronics technology has evolved over the years, so has the equipment used to service it. Today, electronics is largely a software game, where DSP chips take the place of tuned RF circuits, and even complete receivers. These devices operate with specs near theoretical perfection. As a result, the workbench is no longer the nerve center of an engineering shop in the way that it once was.

The electronics workbench had its origins around the same time as radio, in the mid-1920s. Those old TRF sets could be unreliable, and anyone who sold radios as a business also installed and serviced them. This installment of Found in the Attic is a bit different. We'll dig out several items that were essential for radio servicing in the 1920s, as we imagine what types of things were on the electronics workbench almost 100 years ago.

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Topics: Vintage Radio Technology

Live from NAB 2016 | Telos Alliance

Live from NAB 2016 | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 26, 2016 10:21:51 PM

TWiRT at NAB 2016Live from NAB 2016

The annual NAB Show attracts broadcasters from around the globe. We experience new technologies, shop for equipment, meet old friends, and make new acquaintances.  It’s the perfect setting for This Week in Radio Tech, as well! Chris Tobin and I had a blast meeting some great engineers, company reps, and station owners on this episode of TWiRT.

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Topics: NAB Las Vegas

Vintage Audio: Stanton RM-THREE Disco Mixer | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Stanton RM-THREE Disco Mixer | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 19, 2016 11:30:00 PM

Stanton RM-ThreeVintage Audio: Stanton RM-THREE Disco Mixer

The Stanton RM-THREE disco mixer is such a recent device that it almost doesn't qualify as a Found in the Attic item, even though that is where it has lived for the past decade. It dates from the late 1990s. This Stanton, along with its successor, the RM-3S, have long been out of production. But it recalls the purpose-built disco mixers, and a time when the turntable began its transition from a device to playback recorded media into a creative tool in its own right.

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TWiRT 299 - Poolside with Chris & Kirk | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 299 - Poolside with Chris & Kirk | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 19, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT299.pngTWiRT 299 - Poolside with Chris & Kirk

At the end of Day 1 of the Public Radio Engineering Conference, Chris and Kirk get a chance to talk radio engineering - poolside. We’re dishing on some radio news stories, like Broadcast Electronics getting a new owner, and he’s an engineer! The NAB Radio Show will be held in Austin, Texas, next year, and the full NAB show starts Monday!

Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting




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Getting Serious about Security in Radio-Centric Networks and Appliances | Telos Alliance

Getting Serious about Security in Radio-Centric Networks and Appliances | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 11, 2016 9:53:04 AM

Getting Serious about Security in Radio-Centric Networks and Appliances


TargetWell, the party is over.

For years, lots of people in the broadcast industry have relied on “security through obscurity” when dealing with things like audio codecs and web enabled remote control. After all, most “black-hat” hackers seemed to have little interest in seeing what that “Audio codec” login does. After all, an audio codec doesn’t seem very interesting.

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Topics: Security

TWiRT 298 - OTT & IPTV with Sherrod Munday | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 298 - OTT & IPTV with Sherrod Munday | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 8, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT298.pngTWiRT 298 - OTT & IPTV with Sherrod Munday

OTT and IPTV are fairly new terms from the Television or Video industries.  But more radio stations, podcasts, shows, and show clips are being delivered by the same or similar technologies.  Former radio engineer turned TV network guru, Sherrod Munday, joins Chris Tobin and me to talk about audience habits and what infrastructure looks like to make audiences happy in 2016.

Guest: Sherrod Munday, VP-Engineering - Sky Angel Television Network

Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting



Show links:

Sky Angel Television Network

OTT - Over The Top content distribution

Amazon Web Services


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Ted Alexander on AM Processing | Telos Alliance

Ted Alexander on AM Processing | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 7, 2016 12:30:00 PM

Ted AlexanderTed Alexander on AM Processing

I had the pleasure of interviewing old friend Ted Alexander to tap into his vast experience as a Chief Engineer for various AM stations over the years. Ted began looking after AM stations in the 1960s and wrapped up his 50-year career not long ago, as some of you know, working in the Telos Alliance Technical Support Department. Be a fly on the wall during our interview and learn about AM processing from the man himself. 

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