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Vintage Audio: Allison Research Model 650 Noise Generator | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Allison Research Model 650 Noise Generator | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 29, 2015 3:30:00 PM

Allison Research Model 650 Noise GeneratorVintage Audio: Allison Research Model 650 Noise Generator

Back in the days when radio was powered by analog circuits, noise was usually considered a bad thing. Along with distortion and frequency response, it was measured as part of a station's annual proof-of-performance, and eliminated at every opportunity. But there are times when noise can be put to good use. As a test signal, noise can be used to analyze room acoustics, do a rapid frequency response assessment, and tune up audio processors. Since noise has energy present in all frequencies at all times, it can be used to rapidly assess frequency response.

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Linear Acoustic®: Keeping You in Compliance | Telos Alliance

Linear Acoustic®: Keeping You in Compliance | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 29, 2015 2:06:00 PM

Ken TankelLinear Acoustic®: Keeping You in Compliance

New FCC rules concerning how television broadcasters provide local emergency information to the vision-impaired went into effect this year, and TV engineers need to ensure their facilities are in compliance. Fortunately, the Linear Acoustic® AERO.100™ / AERO.1000™ / AERO.2000™ series of loudness managers may offer a solution for some broadcasters.

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Oyster Radio with Bill Eaton | Telos Alliance

Oyster Radio with Bill Eaton | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 28, 2015 10:58:00 AM

TWiRT 255Oyster Radio with Bill Eaton

Imagine you’re the engineer for a radio station that you really enjoy listen to. Imagine that station has a terrific reputation, with the respect of listeners, businesses, and local officials. Now add a million listeners worldwide on the Internet.  Finally, realize that this radio station is in an idyllic vacation paradise with tropical beaches and a low-key lifestyle. We’re talking about Oyster Radio and Chief Engineer Bill Eaton - in Apalachicola, Florida.

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Live from NAB 2015 | Telos Alliance

Live from NAB 2015 | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 22, 2015 2:50:00 PM

TWiRT 254 - Live at NAB 2015!Live from NAB 2015

We’re live from Central Hall - the Broadcast Electronics booth - at NAB 2015! A Who’s Who cast of radio celebrities joins us including Scott Fybush, Joost Bloemen, Greg Shay, Frank Foti, Jim Backus, Joe Talbot, and Jim Roberts. And don’t miss the final 8 minutes! You won’t get fooled again!

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Learning by Doing with Marc Silverman | Telos Alliance

Learning by Doing with Marc Silverman | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 20, 2015 1:05:00 PM

TWiRT 253Learning by Doing with Marc Silverman

Where will the next broadcast engineers come from? Hofstra University in New York seems a good source. Marc Silverman is a student and he’s the Student Director of Engineering at WRHU-FM. Marc joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack to talk about learning about broadcast engineering by example and by doing it.

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Silverball Madness in Las Vegas | Telos Alliance

Silverball Madness in Las Vegas | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 8, 2015 2:44:00 PM

Silverball Madness in Las Vegas

Those of us of a certain age fondly remember entertainment from the pre-computer days, a time when amusement parks, convenience stores and other entertainment establishments did not have video games, computerized entertainment centers or full-wall videos – no, we had pinball: bright, flashing, noisy, shiny electro-mechanical pinball machines. Magic devices that consumed both hours and quarters like a pro wrestler consumes breakfast; many of us spent too much time to count in front of these machines, until our empty stomachs, stiff legs or sore hands commanded us to quit.

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Back to Nature – Vegas Style | Telos Alliance

Back to Nature – Vegas Style | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 8, 2015 2:12:00 PM

Take a break from the turmoil of NAB at the nearby Xeric Gardens of UNLV, where cactus and native animals thriveBack to Nature – Vegas Style

The NAB show – six days of people-packed, full-tilt multimedia mayhem that takes sensory overload to the next level. If this annual experience leaves you feeling a bit shell-shocked, relief may be closer than you think. The Donald H. Baepler Xeric Garden at UNLV isn't on any of the tour maps, but offers a quiet commute with nature in the midst of the turmoil that is Las Vegas.

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The Things You’ll See at NAB | Telos Alliance

The Things You’ll See at NAB | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 3, 2015 12:06:00 PM

TWiRT 252The Things You’ll See at NAB

New ways to talk with listeners - and share their video calls; IP-audio codecs keep getting smaller and better; same goes for FM transmitters with a new rack-mount 10 kilowatt model; the FCC proposes office closings for a modest savings, but will they be at NAB? Drones are hot for broadcasters and the FAA. Plus we look at who’s getting some big honors in Las Vegas next month. Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack look forward to NAB in a couple weeks.

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Wireless ISP Engineering with Patrick Parks | Telos Alliance

Wireless ISP Engineering with Patrick Parks | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 26, 2015 9:21:00 PM

TWiRT 251Wireless ISP Engineering with Patrick Parks

Many households are in rural areas not served by cable Internet or DSL. Radio engineer, Patrick Parks wanted better Internet service to his country abode well outside the Dallas metroplex. His efforts led to building a Wireless Internet Service Provider called SmartBurst. Pat joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack to us how it all works.

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Quick! To the Fallout Shelter! | Telos Alliance

Quick! To the Fallout Shelter! | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 25, 2015 4:45:00 PM

National Atomic Testing MuseumQuick! To the Fallout Shelter!

Ask anyone what they think of first when they hear “Las Vegas” and they’re likely to mention the retina-searing lights of the famous Vegas strip, the dazzling casinos, the over-the-top luxury hotels, the glitzy shows, and if they’re old enough, maybe even the Rat Pack at The Sands.

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