11-Year-Old Telos Alliance Fan Builds Dream Studio Eight Years Later | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 31, 2021 8:11:45 AM
11-Year-Old Telos Alliance Fan Builds Dream Studio Eight Years Later
Everybody likes a feel-good broadcasting story, right? Well, here's an inspiring story about a young man from Romania who built his own studio full of Telos Alliance gear at the age of only 19! From a dream of owning his own Axia console since he was 11, he found a way to make that dream a reality. The best part is, he saved up the money to make it happen all by himself. Here's his story.
Topics: axia, axia element

Minnesota Public Radio Upgrades to Axia Fusion Radio Consoles | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 14, 2017 2:06:31 PM
Minnesota Public Radio Upgrades to Axia Fusion Radio Consoles
, we sat down with Chief Engineer of Minnesota Public Radio Bill xxxx . MPR was one of the very first Axia customers, installing xxx
Bill and wanted to upgrade their entire facility to the Axia Fusion consoles. "Our AxaiElements were more than 10 years old. They had served us very well and we were so impressed by them, we decided to replace
Essentially we are one of the early adopters of Axi, elements over 10 years old, maintenance issues, two answer, they have served well. We are so impressed by it, it gave its good service and decided to replace with the same thing. We didn’t do our due diligence, there are other systems out there. We had to know what was available, 10 years, owe it to ourself to investigate so that it got done. Took 24 plus elements, replaced them with Fusion.
We are doing it Room by Room, main room most used rooms already, going through production areas and secondary backup studios. Right now, that will complete the first of the fusion went over a year ago now, finishing up the rest of them in the next two months.
- Why did you decide to stick with Axia gear?
Stick with it. Well it’s what we understand and we have always found a way to do what we need to do, the product has evolved, we never felt roadblocked in any way by what Axia was capable of doing. AXIA—we do a lot Pathfinder server, so that works crucial with the Fusion consoles.
Specific Fusion consoles—for us Fusion and Element we gained a few things, Element to Fusion not meaninguful in what we were able to accomplish, Fusion was the replacement for Element that’s what we did.
- What are the benefits, in your opinion, of Livewire over some of the other protocols out there?
Livewire ecoysystem—certainly simplifies things. Cuts costs because we are not interfacing phsycial outfputs on devices. We have probably favored products of the ecosphere. Early adopters in this ecosphere. More and more the devices are used. Lviewire made the difference between buying one or another. Becoming real common and we are not being outside of that, personally don’t understand the difference, always able to work within LW. Right now everything is Livewire.
Elements—one of the first, not bets one to consult about the history, I was not here. Tom Nelson.Engineering facilities. Legend was we had second largest one for quite a while. 20 years ago.
- Are the Fusions installed yet? Do you have any images we could use?
7) Were there any challenges with the installation?
Installing... most of the stuff is so straightforward, there are challenges, one situation where we added onto the console in certain situation, wanted another mixer part of the fusion console, attached via the Canbus, added even more mixers to a 32…
We have phone system, VX and processing for many things… we use other products.
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Topics: Radio Consoles, Fusion, console upgrade, axia element
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