Thunderstorm Season (Yes, That's a Thing!) | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Jun 7, 2017 1:00:00 PM
Thunderstorm Season (Yes, That's a Thing!)
In the wintertime, humidity levels plummet as temperatures drop and forced air heating systems dry the air out even more. During these months we are extra conscious of electrostatic discharge. Many will make a habit of grounding themselves to a doorknob or rack case before touching any controls in the studio, so as to avoid zapping the electronics with static electricity.
When winter gives way to warmer weather, thunderstorms and line surges present a new threat to our precious technology. Broadcast engineers take steps to protect their mains power inputs with spike suppressors and surge protectors. These devices can help, but can only do so much with the extremely fast transient swings in voltage that are observed during these events. There are also threats that are not so obvious.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Technology, Broadcast Engineering, Telephone Systems

Telos Alliance a Cleveland Technology Awards Honoree | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 29, 2017 12:05:00 PM
Telos Alliance a Cleveland Technology Awards Honoree
In keeping with a company tradition of technology and innovation, the Telos Alliance was recently named a Cleveland Technology Awards Honoree in the Established Tech Firm category. Presented by Smart Business Magazine, the Cleveland Technology Awards recognize Northeast Ohio organizations that develop and implement impactful technology. CEO Frank Foti accepted the honor at a luncheon on March 23.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Technology, Frank Foti, Telos Alliance

HD Multiplex with Philipp Schmid | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Jun 1, 2016 3:26:58 PM
HD Multiplex with Philipp Schmid
What if you could transmit fifteen radio program channels from one FM transmitter, and receive them on existing FM-HD radios? Philipp Schmid, Research Engineer at Nautel, has been demonstrating exactly that. How does it work, and why might a broadcaster want to do this? Philipp joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack to explain.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Technology
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