Taking Z100 From 'Worst to First' | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on May 20, 2022 9:43:16 AM
Taking Z100 From 'Worst to First'
In this special episode of Behind the Sound, we are recognizing the fantastic story as told in the brand new documentary 'Worst to First: The True Story of Z100 New York' with Telos Alliance Executive Chairman of the Board and Omnia Audio founder, Frank Foti. Frank is not only featured in the film, but played a significant role in taking Z100 from New York City's worst rated radio station, all the way to number one. Frank shares all the inside details of the magic that came together to create one of the best success stories in radio of all time!
Read MoreTopics: Omnia, Behind the Sound

Media Max Chooses 25-Seven Program Delay Manager to Keep Offensive Content Off the Air | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 12, 2020 8:48:21 AM
Media Max Chooses 25-Seven Program Delay Manager to Keep Offensive Content Off the Air
In these turbulent times, keeping the FM airwaves free of offensive material is more important than ever before. Media Max, one of Kenya’s largest broadcast networks needed a robust, networkable profanity-delay solution to keep the content on their six radio stations free of questionable or profane content.
Read MoreTopics: Radio, Broadcast, Omnia, pdm, mediamax, profanity delay

Declipping 101: How to Open Up Your Sound | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on May 9, 2019 1:23:45 PM
Declipping 101: How to Open Up Your Sound
“The times have changed” has been a common phrase used to describe most parts of the technological world, and this is no exception to the world of sound. Today, music that is being released bares very little sonic resemblance to what has been released in the past.
Topics: Radio, perfect declipper, Omnia, plug-in, declipping

Radio 4.0. The New Frontier of Audio Design | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 25, 2019 1:33:30 PM
Radio 4.0. The New Frontier of Audio Design
This article was (roughly) translated from Italian from this article by Newslinet from April 13, 2019. Frank Foti (Executive Chariman of Telos Allaince, former engineer of Z100 and founder of Omnia) talks about how there is no perfect audio set-up, only those best-suited to your format.
After the popularity of the first piece, we return to talk about sound and sound processing with Frank Foti, one of the world's leading experts in this regard. He is former chief engineer at Z100 New York and is now Executive Chairman at Telos Alliance, a world-leading audio company, which has granted us at NL with an exclusive interview.
Read MoreTopics: Radio, Frank Foti, tech tips, Omnia
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