The Telos Alliance Team

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Vintage Toys: What did Santa leave for you? | Telos Alliance

Vintage Toys: What did Santa leave for you? | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Dec 4, 2012 10:08:00 AM

Mattell's Matt MasonVintage Toys: What did Santa leave for you?

The Sixties were a pretty magical time for those of us lucky enough to be children. Wham-O, Ideal, MonogramMarx - all purveyors of childhood gear that transported us to magical realms; made us astronauts, cowboys, perfect mommies, race car drivers, or anything else our fertile pre-teen imaginations could envision.

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Telos Systems' Z/IP ONE 'Push Mode:' How to make a Push | Telos Alliance

Telos Systems' Z/IP ONE 'Push Mode:' How to make a Push | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Dec 3, 2012 2:48:00 PM

HelpTelos Systems' Z/IP ONE 'Push Mode:' How to make a Push

Gabriel Alonso of Lexon SA in Madrid, Spain, writes to ask: "We have a customer who wants to send a stream to up to 6 different locations, and we know there is a mode called 'push' in the Telos Systems Z/IP ONE codecs to do that. Can you explain how?"

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Finding our WAY in Radio | Telos Alliance

Finding our WAY in Radio | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 30, 2012 2:20:00 PM

Finding our WAY in Radio

Telos Alliance gear clicks for Way Media Group

Way Media's Jon Garrison shows off an Axia Element console at WAY's Nashville studios.IP audio is clearly the best infrastructure for a broadcast plant, but whose system should you buy? For Jon Garrison, Southern Regional Engineer for Way Media, the choice was clear. The company was planning an upgrade to four studios in its Nashville facilities. "We looked at several of the leading brands," Garrison told us, "but we went with Axia because it offered the best price point and it does everything we want."

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Z/IP Server Indicators: What do they really mean? | Telos Alliance

Z/IP Server Indicators: What do they really mean? | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 6, 2012 10:41:00 AM

HelpZ/IP Server Indicators: What do they really mean?

Timothy Schultz, station engineer for California Lutheran University's KCLU, writes: "What does it really mean when looking at the ZIP Server, when an entry is Green or Red?  I thought it meant a Z/IP ONE was on line and available or not, but in my limited testing, it doesn't seem to track reality; I can successfully Call devices that are Red."

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Inside Telos: A Chat with Marty Sacks | Telos Alliance

Inside Telos: A Chat with Marty Sacks | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 6, 2012 10:22:00 AM

Sacks at the controls of a CAP Gippsland GA-8Inside Telos: A Chat with Marty Sacks 

All of us at the Telos Alliance share with our clients a fatal attraction to radio, as well as a passion for making great audio. But that's not all we do. Many of us have other hobbies and interests that might surprise you. From time to time, we'll profile members of the Telos Alliance and what they do when they're not inventing the next generation of broadcast audio gear.

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KHOWL Radio Runs with the Big Dogs | Telos Alliance

KHOWL Radio Runs with the Big Dogs | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 30, 2012 2:28:00 PM

KHOWL Radio Runs with the Big Dogs

KHowl is small-market radio with a big-market sound

K-Howl's Wolf KorgynThe radio bug bit Wolf Korgyn early in life, and he has been infected ever since. "The first time that I visited a radio station, I was about seven years old," recalls Korgyn. "Right away, I knew I wanted to own and operate one." Many years later, he started an LPFM operation, and that's when he discovered Omnia audio processors. "We were running an Omnia-3FM Turbo, and it was like liquid gold. With the FM3 and 100 watts, we sounded way better than the larger group-owned stations in the market."

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NBC's 5.1 audio provided courtesy of Linear Acoustic® | Telos Alliance

NBC's 5.1 audio provided courtesy of Linear Acoustic® | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 24, 2012 12:49:00 PM

NBC Olympics Broadcast Center during opening ceremoniesNBC's 5.1 audio provided courtesy of Linear Acoustic®

Cool fact: Over 219 million Americans tuned in to enjoy the 2012 London Summer Games - making it the most watched event in US television history. Extra cool fact: Every second of the audio heard by those viewers was monitored through or processed by a Linear Acoustic product!

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Vintage Audio:

Vintage Audio: "Stop, hey, what's that sound?" | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Sep 7, 2012 4:57:00 PM

Speak & SpellVintage Audio: "Stop, hey, what's that sound?" 

One of the endangered sound-makers at the Museum of Endangered Sounds look long enough and you can find a museum for just about everything technical. Thanks to the work of assorted packrats and hoarders, our geek history is being saved from the dumpsters. Many of the artifacts however, are in static displays, no longer in working condition. When that happens, the sounds that went with the equipment are often lost forever.

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Radio Tech: Less Wire, More Efficiency | Telos Alliance

Radio Tech: Less Wire, More Efficiency | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Aug 31, 2012 4:39:00 PM

If the back of your rack looks like this... better read Kirk's White Paper.Radio Tech: Less Wire, More Efficiency

Kirk Harnack Cuts through the Tangle

We've all seen it: the cable tray so full that it looks as if it might overflow and spill to the ground at any second. Or the wall of punch-blocks that stretches the entire length of the TOC. And who could forget that tangle of wires leading from the ceiling to the rack that resembles the product of a 5-year-old with Play-Doh and a spaghetti press?

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"Surrounded" by Olympic Caliber Audio | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Aug 15, 2012 2:22:00 PM

"Surrounded" by Olympic Caliber Audio

NBC's 5.1 audio provided courtesy of Linear Acoustic®

Linear AcousticCool fact: Over 219 million Americans tuned in to enjoy the 2012 London Summer Games, making it the most watched event in US television history. Extra cool fact: Every second of the audio heard by those viewers was monitored through or processed by a Linear Acoustic product!

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