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Telos' Triple Threat | Telos Alliance

Telos' Triple Threat | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Aug 10, 2016 2:42:11 PM

Triple AudioTelos' Triple Threat

Whether it's the sale of a single piece of gear, multiple items, turnkey installations with custom solutions, or equipment training, Triple Audio serves the needs of broadcasters across the Netherlands. In fact, there isn't much related to broadcast equipment that the company doesn't do. Among that is sales and distribution of gear from The Telos Alliance.

Marijn Fluitman, a project engineer, has been with Triple Audio for four years. The company is definitely engineering-driven. There are two managers and twelve employees, all engineers. They step into the administrative, sales and training roles as needed. “We're a bunch of young guys with the drive to do it all,” explains Fluitman.

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TWiRT 314- Summertime Blues? No Way! | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 314- Summertime Blues? No Way! | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Aug 5, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT314.pngTWiRT 314- Summertime Blues? No Way!

Stealthy antennas from those tricky mobile carriers... Can you count on mobile data bandwidth now - or in the future? Sun transit fade - on a terrestrial microwave path? A better Ethernet switch will solve that and more. And some TV stations are sharing the same frequency! Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack talk radio engineering on TWiRT!

Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist  and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting 

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Topics: Broadcasting

Vintage Audio: Wilkinson Transmitter Extension Meter | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Wilkinson Transmitter Extension Meter | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Aug 4, 2016 3:13:00 PM

Wilkinson Transmitter Extension MeterVintage Audio: Wilkinson Transmitter Extension Meter

This chapter of Found in the Attic explores a forgotten chapter in the history of broadcast remote control technology, transmitter extension meter panels.

In the earliest days of radio, the Commission required all operating transmitter sites to be manned by someone with a First Class FCC license. That person was required to take meter readings every 30 minutes, maintain the transmitter log, and make repairs, or switch to a backup in the event of failures.

As technology evolved, and transmitters became more reliable, the rules were relaxed so that sites could be controlled remotely. In FCC lingo, the studio where the operator on duty was stationed was known as the control point. They Commission allowed most stations to have operators with a Third Class license and broadcast endorsement on duty. There were exceptions for directional stations, and those with higher power, which still required the First Class ticket.

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Topics: Vintage Electronics, Vintage Technology

Thank You for Your Support | Telos Alliance

Thank You for Your Support | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Aug 3, 2016 9:50:32 AM

24/7 SupportThank You for Your Support

One of the things we frequently hear from our customers is how great our Telos Alliance Support team is. The 24/7 Support team regularly receives rave reviews from broadcasters from coast to coast and around the world. And while issues range from the straightforward to the very complex, the result is always the same for our customers—prompt, knowledgeable, and friendly service in minutes, not days.

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Topics: The Telos Alliance

TWiRT 313 - New Tower Light Regs with Richard Hickey | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 313 - New Tower Light Regs with Richard Hickey | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 29, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT313.pngTWiRT 313 - New Tower Light Regs with Richard Hickey

New tower lighting standards from the FAA mean FCC licensed broadcast stations need pay attention.  Richard Hickey with Hilights, Inc. says that some of the rule changes could mean lower compliance costs for broadcasters - but others could cost more. Great advice on tower lighting with Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack, on This Week in Radio Tech.

Guest: Richard Hickey, Business Development Manager at Hilights Inc

Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist  and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting



Links from the show: 

Hilights, Inc.

FAA website designed for lighting and marking information

FCC Form 854 for refiling structures

FAA AC 70/7460-1L (the “New Rules” for lighting and marking)


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Topics: Tower

Radio Station Rises from the Rubble | Telos Alliance

Radio Station Rises from the Rubble | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 27, 2016 1:50:00 PM

Tornado Damage at KHKCRadio Station Rises from the Rubble

Natural disasters tend to bring out the best and worst in people. For KHKC 102.1FM, located in Atoka, Oklahoma, a tornado that hit on May 9th definitely brought out the best in a lot of people.

“The storm totally destroyed the studios and damaged our main tower, explains Bob Sullins, president of Keystone Broadcasting. “Station manager Ricky Chase and his daughter were in the studio when the tornado struck, and took shelter under a desk. Thankfully, they were not injured.”

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Vintage Audio: Tektronix 310 Portable Oscilloscope | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Tektronix 310 Portable Oscilloscope | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 26, 2016 11:09:00 PM

Tektronix 310 OscilloscopeVintage Audio: Tektronix 310 Portable Oscilloscope

An earlier edition of Found in the Attic examined a surplus OS-8/U oscilloscope, and we noted that this was one of the first portable general purpose scopes. The honors for the first portable laboratory-grade oscilloscope goes to Tektronix, who introduced the model 310, which is the subject of this installment.

While the 310 eventually had a wide range of field service applications, it began in 1954 as a project contracted by IBM, who needed such a device for servicing its main frame computers. Initially, Tektronix didn't expect much demand for the 310 beyond fulfilling IBM's needs. Soon however, production could barely keep up with demand. Manufacturing of the 310 and 310A continued through 1971, a 16-year production run. When it was over, tens of thousands of these oscilloscopes had been sold.

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Z/IP - ping Along at the RNC | Telos Alliance

Z/IP - ping Along at the RNC | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 20, 2016 1:30:00 PM

Steve Neumann with Z/IP ONEsZ/IP - ping Along at the RNC

Steve Neumann is Program Director at WINT in Willoughby, Ohio, about 15 miles to the east of Cleveland. When the station decided to broadcast live from the Republican National Convention in downtown Cleveland next week, they needed to know they’d be able to provide a stable remote feed back to their studios. Fortunately for WINT, Steve goes back a ways with Telos Alliance CEO Frank Foti.

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Topics: Telos Z/IP ONE

Vintage Audio: A Pioneer SA-6500II Power Amplifier | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: A Pioneer SA-6500II Power Amplifier | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 20, 2016 1:02:16 PM

Pioneer frontVintage Audio: A Pioneer SA-6500II Power Amplifier

Without a doubt, the best-known brand of hi-fi gear from the late ‘60s and throughout the ‘70s was Pioneer. The sleek styling of brushed aluminum panels and large illuminated dials convey a sense of sophisticated elegance that makes them sought after items even 40-some years after their manufacture.

Pioneer's product line always included everything from top-of-the-line equipment to gear that college students on a shoestring budget could afford. And sometimes there were package deals that included speakers, turntable, tuner, amp, and tape deck. This installment of Found in the Attic looks at a trio from the late 1970s – the SA-6500II power amplifier, TX-6500II AM-FM tuner and CT-F505 cassette deck.

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Vintage Audio: Hallicrafters S-20 'Sky Champion' receiver | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Hallicrafters S-20 'Sky Champion' receiver | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 19, 2016 10:29:00 PM

Hallicrafters S-20 Sky Champion receiverVintage Audio: Hallicrafters S-20 'Sky Champion' receiver

This installment of Found in the Attic examines the Hallicrafters S-20 'Sky Champion' receiver. The 'Sky Champion' line was the company's' mid-priced communications receiver.   Introduced in 1938, the S-20 was replaced by the S-20R in 1939. Since it was in production for less than a year, these receivers are somewhat rare.

There are several differences between the S-20 and S-20R. The S-20 primarily used tubes with grid caps, while the later S-20R used newer replacements. Tube lineup for the S-20 includes: 6K7, RF stage; 6L7, 1st detector-mixer; 6J5, HF osc; 6K7, IF amp; 6Q7, 2nd detector-AVC-1st audio stage; 6F6, audio out; 6J5, BFO and 80, rectifier.

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Topics: Vintage Electronics, Vintage Audio Technology

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