Ask The Omnia Guy: Maximum Audio Processing on a Minimum Budget
By The Telos Alliance Team on Jan 23, 2025 11:18:15 AM
Welcome to another edition of "Ask The Omnia Guy", a continuing series of expert answers by the Omnia guy, Paul Kriegler, to real-world questions from our electronic mailbag. Our question:
Q: "Hey Omnia Guy - I have a budget of about $5000 for a new FM audio processor. Is there a solution that falls somewhere between the Omnia VOLT and Omnia.11 that works with my budget?"
A:Yes! The Omnia.9sg. 'But wait', you say, 'isn't Omnia.9sg just a standalone stereo generator? I need a full audio processor!' Well, right you are - except that's not all that Omnia.9sg can do.
Read MoreTopics: Omnia Audio, Radio Audio Processing, Audio Processing, omnia.9sg, broadcast audio processor

Ask The Omnia Guy: "Can My Omnia.9 Apply Nielsen Watermarking to HD and Streaming Channels?"
By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 8, 2024 6:43:23 PM
Welcome to another edition of "Ask The Omnia Guy", a continuing series of expert answers by the Omnia guy, Paul Kriegler, to real-world questions from our electronic mailbag. Our question:
Q: "Hey Omnia Guy - If I purchase the Nielsen watermark license for our Omnia.9, can it encode our HD channels as well as our streams?"
A: Short answer: Yes! The latest version of Omnia.9 software allows you to watermark any program stream your Omnia.9's processing.
Read MoreTopics: Streaming Audio, audio watermarking, Omnia.9, broadcast audio processor, HD Radio, Neilsen

Ask The Omnia Guy: "Can My Omnia.3 Be Repaired?"
By The Telos Alliance Team on May 17, 2024 4:33:51 PM
Welcome to another edition of "Ask The Omnia Guy", a continuing series of expert answers by the Omnia guy, Paul Kriegler, to real-world questions from our electronic mailbag. Our question:
Q: "Why Can't I Get My Omnia.3 Repaired?"
A: This is a pretty common question from customers that want to keep their favorite 15- to 25-year-old Omnia on the air and sounding great.
Read MoreTopics: broadcast audio processor

Ask The Omnia Guy: Proper Voltair Setup With Omnia.11
By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 10, 2023 6:21:39 PM
Welcome to another edition of "Ask The Omnia Guy", a continuing series of expert answers by the Omnia guy, Paul Kriegler, to real-world questions from our electronic mailbag. This time, an Omnia user from the USA asks:
What's the best setup for maintaining watermark integrity when using Voltair with Omnia.11?
Q: "Omnia Guy, we have Omnia.11’s in a big market and hear that we might get better watermark integrity using Voltair Mode and the Omnia.11’s insert points. Where should we start? Tips?" - Tim
Read MoreTopics: broadcast audio processor

Ask The Omnia Guy: Why does Omnia recommend removing any pre-processing in front of an Omnia.11 or 9? | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 2, 2023 6:03:49 PM
Last time on "Ask The Omnia Guy," we got the break down of AES192 vs. Analog on an MPX node. This month on "Ask the Omnia Guy," we get a bit of clarification on why you shouldn't use an Ariane or a Compellor in front of an Omnia.11 or Omnia.9. Let's just say Omnia is already at the top of the of the audio chain for a reason. Check out what Paul Kriegler has to say about it, after all, he is the "Omnia Guy."
Ask The Omnia Guy: Why does Omnia recommend removing any pre-processing in front of an Omnia.11 or 9?
Q: “We have Omnia.11’s and a couple of Omnia.9’s in our group. I keep hearing it’s not a good idea to have something like a Compellor or an Ariane in front of these newer processors. Why is that?
Read MoreTopics: broadcast audio processor
Ask The Omnia Guy: "AES192"
Q: Our station just got an exciter that takes “MPX192”, is that the same as OmniaDirect?, or AES192? What’s the benefit of using MPX192? We have an Omnia.9, how is AES192 different than feeding analog MPX?
Glad to hear you got a new exciter upgrade. MPX192, AES192 and OmniaDirect are all the same, referring to running composite MPX over AES/EBU, keeping everything in the digital domain, to answer your first question.
Read MoreTopics: broadcast audio processor

Ask the Omnia Guy: Cleaning Up Your Audio Library | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 31, 2022 12:07:38 PM
Ask the Omnia Guy: Cleaning Up Your Audio Library
In continuation from an earlier Ask the Omnia Guy blog (How Do I Know if It's an MP3?), the Omnia Guy offers some additional advice on making sure your audio is the best it can be.
Topics: broadcast audio processor

The Omnia.11 v4.0 Difference | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 24, 2022 12:06:30 PM
The Omnia.11 v4.0 Difference
In this episode of Behind the Sound, we hear from several Omnia.11 users on their experience with the 4.0 update and the significant differences they noticed in their stations’ sounds.
With a wide variety of perspectives, we get to hear from CJ Jackson (Director of Engineering for Salem Media Group in Atlanta, Georgia), Scott Fisher (radio and television voiceover artist), Matt Levin (Chief Engineer and Consulting Engineer for multiple radio stations), and Michael Mutschlechner (radio technician for Radio Holiday in northern Italy).
Topics: broadcast audio processor

The Journey to Omnia.11 v4.0 | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Jan 19, 2022 12:15:21 PM
The Journey to Omnia.11 v4.0
In an exciting joint Behind the Sound interview, the minds behind the most significant software update to the Omnia.11 flagship audio processor discuss the newest features offered in version 4.0. With new and updated presets coupled with the introduction of the brand new Silvio Clipper, which provides a cleaner, brighter and more open sound without a loudness penalty, v4.0 is ALL ABOUT THE SOUND!
So, where exactly did this 4.0 update come from, and what sparked the vision for making the best even better? We were able to snag Omnia Founder Frank Foti away from his train work for a few minutes (Frank’s passion, second only to audio processing), with 4.0 co-developer Cornelius Gould to give us a look behind the sound at the journey to v4.0.
Topics: broadcast audio processor

Ask the Omnia Guy: Adding HD2 to an Omnia.11 | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 19, 2021 9:51:02 AM
Ask the Omnia Guy: Adding HD2 to an Omnia.11
Dear Omnia Guy,
Our Omnia.11 sounds amazing on HD, but we are splitting off and adding an HD2. I don’t see an option to add an HD2 for the Omnia.11. Omnia.9 has it. Have you thought about adding that to the Omnia.11?
-Gene in Kansas
Topics: broadcast audio processor
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