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Audio Monitoring Within the Transition to AoIP | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 9, 2017 11:25:28 AM
Audio Monitoring Within the Transition to AoIP
As signal chains have become increasingly complex, the challenges involved in managing and monitoring these paths have multiplied exponentially. Over the past few decades, we've migrated from handling a single channel of content using composite video and analog audio pairs, to elaborate multi-channel facilities routing HD video with embedded audio over SDI or in many cases discrete AES pairs. These audio signals are often a mix of 5.1 and stereo programs and in many cases encoded to or decoded from Dolby® at some point in the chain.
Read More25-Seven Launches TVC-15 Broadcast Audio Watermarking Monitor | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 8, 2017 2:59:13 PM
25-Seven Launches TVC-15 Broadcast Audio Watermarking Monitor
The Telos Alliance this week announced the launch of the 25-Seven TVC-15 Broadcast Watermark Analyzer & Monitor, the first modulation monitor for watermarking. With TVC-15, radio stations in electronically measured markets can now monitor how each element in their programming supports audio watermarking.
Measurements happen in real time, without the need of a watermark encoder. Every 400 milliseconds, TVC-15 detects watermarks in any audio you feed it. This could be your own station's audio, or that of a competing station in your market. You can monitor any source, live or recorded.
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TWiRT 339 - Securing What Matters | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 3, 2017 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 339 - Securing What Matters
More hackers, more breaches, more ways for broadcast engineers to have a really bad day! Chris Tobin relates what can happen and the steps you need to take to patch your IT security holes. Plus, Les Kutasi joins us with news from Kathrein and the world of broadband antennas.
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
Show Links:
Shields UP! Internet Port Test (Click on Services, then Shields UP!)
IT Security podcast, “Security Now”
A Primer on Encryption for Policymakers (and a quick read for all of us)
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Topics: Broadcast Engineering, audio, audio quality

Saving Sounds from the Dumpster | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 2, 2017 12:00:00 PM
Saving Sounds from the Dumpster
As the Twentieth Century is rapidly receding in the rear-view mirror, historians, archivists and collectors furiously gather artifacts and documents before they all disappear. Forgotten by many, but not all, are the soundscapes of the past; both technological and natural in origin.
If you've worked in radio long enough, you already know something about changing soundscapes. The clattering of a teletype machine in the newsroom, the sound of records and reel tapes being cued and the once per second chunk-chunk-chunk of the Western Union master clock as it counts down the time remaining till the next hourly newscast, are all gone but not forgotten.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast History, audio
Help Your Audio Find its Path with Pathfinder Core PRO Routing Control! | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 1, 2017 2:45:00 PM
Help Your Audio Find its Path with Pathfinder Core PRO Routing Control!
The Telos Alliance announced this week that we are now shipping the Axia Pathfinder Core PRO Routing Control and Facility Management Appliance. So what is Axia Pathfinder Core PRO? It's everything Axia learned in the 10 years since launching the Pathfinder family of software wrapped up in one appliance that frees you from your PC while providing sophisticated, yet streamlined controls.
Need to know more? Find the path to more detailed information right here with these quick FAQs.
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TWiRT 338 - The Standard that Stuck - with Richard Burden | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 23, 2017 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 338 - The Standard that Stuck - with Richard Burden
Cassette tapes. 8-Track. Digital Cassettes. FM-QUAD. AM Stereo. Reel-to-reel. Audio standards come and go, but Multiplex FM Stereo lives on and is nearly 60 years old! Richard Burden extensively tested our FM Stereo system when it was just a proposal. Dick joins me to chat about that and more on TWiRT!
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
Richard Burden, Principal - Burden Associates
Show Links:
Stereo Multiplexing for Dummies
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Topics: Broadcast Engineering, audio, audio quality

5 Advantages of Switching to a Broadcast VoIP Phone System | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 22, 2017 2:30:00 PM
5 Advantages of Switching to a Broadcast VoIP Phone System
We live in an increasingly digital and largely networked world. It’s no accident that AoIP is taking radio and TV by storm: the economies of scale, ease of use, and return on investment are undeniable. Traditional POTS and ISDN phone services are steadily being supplanted by SIP- and VoIP-based methods at the service-provider level. ISDN is already unavailable for many new installations, and POTS is moving that way now. A SIP/VoIP phone system offers digital phone services that cost less, sound better, and are more easily managed than traditional services.
Read MoreTopics: voip phone system, broadcast voip, sip, voip phones

The Quest for the Perfect Control Room | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 22, 2017 2:45:00 AM
The Quest for the Perfect Control Room
The arrangement of equipment in radio studio control rooms was often the result of a tussle between programmers and engineers. In one extreme, the control room may have been a dream for jocks to operate, but a nightmare for techs to service. Too far the other way, and you had a setup that could be easily serviced, but required an octopus to operate. Most were a compromise (although some would be better termed a stalemate).
Read MoreTopics: Radio History, Studio Technology, Broadcast Engineering

TWiRT 337 - Predicting Headphone Sound Quality with Sean Olive | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 17, 2017 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 337 - Predicting Headphone Sound Quality with Sean Olive
How many times have you bought headphones or earbuds, only to be disappointed with their audio quality? Or maybe you were pleasantly surprised! Sean Olive is the Acoustic Research Fellow at HARMAN International. He’s doing headphone qualitative measurements that mean something, both for consumers and for manufacturers, toward better audio from our wearables.
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
Sean Olive, Acoustic Research Fellow at HARMAN International
Show Links:
Sean Olive’s Blog, with links to articles and research
KZ ATE KZ-ATE Dynamic Balanced Armature IEMS In Ear HIFI Monitors
AKG N60 Noise Canceling Headphone
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Topics: Broadcast Engineering, audio, audio quality

Radio Magazine: Frank Foti on Audio Processing for Broadcast Streaming | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 15, 2017 1:00:00 PM
Radio Magazine: Frank Foti on Audio Processing for Broadcast Streaming
When it comes to broadcast streaming, there is a big difference between audio processing for streaming and audio processing for over-the-air. In the February 2017 issue of Radio magazine, Doug Irwin interviewed Frank Foti, along with other audio-processing experts, on how to process audio for broadcast streaming properly, asking them about the design differences between over-the-air processors and those designed for streaming media.
Read MoreTopics: Omnia Audio, Telos Systems, broadcast streaming, Z/IPStream X/2, Z/IPStream 9X/2
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