The Telos Alliance Team

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TWiRT 326 - Let’s Get Ready to Re-Aim | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 326 - Let’s Get Ready to Re-Aim | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 28, 2016 11:16:02 AM

TWIRT326.pngTWiRT 326 - Let’s Get Ready to Re-Aim

Well, that’s one of many subjects that Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack are discussing on this episode. Others include Burli newsroom software, Harris VistaMax, Shure SM7, Telos iPort PLUS parallel audio distribution, and Krone block patch cables. And, will President Trump replace FCC Chairman Wheeler?  

Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting




Links from the show:

Gentlemen, Move Your Dishes - Radio Networks Moving to AMC-18 (or SES-11?)

Krone Block information from the Online Engineer

Connecting the Land Down Under - via Satellite and Terrestrial Internet



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Omnia.7AM is the Answer for WHK | Telos Alliance

Omnia.7AM is the Answer for WHK | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 16, 2016 12:30:00 PM

Our Denny Sanders poses with WHK Chief Engineer Brett Patram and the Omnia.7AMOmnia.7AM is the Answer for WHK

We go to the far reaches of the globe to bring you stories about happy users of Telos Alliance equipment, along with the innovative ways they put it to use. But sometimes, a great story is right in our own back yard. This time, we'll take a short drive from our Cleveland headquarters and travel to legacy station WHK 1420 AM The Answer. It's now part of the Salem Media Group. The Cleveland cluster also includes WHKW 1220 The Word, WHKZ 1440 The Word, and WFHM 95.5 FM The Fish. When we get there, we'll meet up with Chief Engineer Brett Patram. He'll tell us about his experiences with Telos, and how the stations came to be a test site for Omnia processors, most recently the Omnia.7AM.

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Topics: broadcast audio processor

TWiRT 325 - Old to New Engineering at WHRO | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 325 - Old to New Engineering at WHRO | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 12, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT325.pngTWiRT 325 - Old to New Engineering at WHRO

When you start from a solid engineering foundation, it’s much easier to pass the baton to your replacement.  John Heimerl retired from Engineering at WHRO in Norfolk, and the new engineer, Ray Lenz, has been building on John’s AoIP foundation. We’re talking with both John and Ray, plus Chris Tobin on TWiRT.


John Heimerl, Fine Tuning Associates, LLC

Raymond Lenz, Senior Radio Engineer, WHRO - WHRV


Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

Links from the show:

WHRO, Norfolk, VA  



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Vintage Audio: Shure M67 Mic Mixer | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Shure M67 Mic Mixer | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 11, 2016 5:00:00 PM

Shure M67Vintage Audio: Shure M67 Mic Mixer

Some pieces of broadcast equipment are destined to become classics. The Otari MX5050, Gates Sta-Level and Spotmaster 500 cart machines come to mind. All were rugged, easy to service, and affordable. And so is our current attic discovery, the Shure M67 microphone mixer.

The story begins almost 50 years ago, in 1968 when the M67 was introduced. Production continued through 1987. In 1968, many stations were still using portable mixers with vacuum tubes, so an upgrade to solid state was a plus. One of the early footnotes in the history of the M67 was its use in the recording of Woodstock in 1969.

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Topics: Vintage Audio Technology

IBS: The College Radio Resource | Telos Alliance

IBS: The College Radio Resource | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 2, 2016 11:55:00 AM

Intercollegiate Broadcasting SystemIBS: The College Radio Resource

College radio stations often have limited resources to manage various projects or issues they might face. So where do college broadcasters turn when they have questions? Intercollegiate Broadcasting System is a 77-year-old volunteer organization that supports the mission of college and high school radio, and recognizes and promotes the efforts of these and other non-commercial broadcasters.

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Topics: college radio, Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, College Radio Day, high school radio

Vintage Audio: GE Superadio III | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: GE Superadio III | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Nov 1, 2016 9:47:00 AM

GE SuperadioVintage Audio: GE Superadio III

Is it too soon for a Found in the Attic ‘90s flashback? Before you answer yes, think about how much the mass media and technology have changed over the past 20 years. In the early 90s, the Internet hadn't yet happened, and there was no streaming media. Radio was still an AM-FM thing. In this world, specialty receivers were not uncommon. A few people were still interested in long-distance AM listening (DXing), and to meet that need, the GE Superadio series was offered. This Found in the Attic examines that series, and the Superadio III in particular.

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Streaming University: The Complete Broadcast Streaming Audio Resource | Telos Alliance

Streaming University: The Complete Broadcast Streaming Audio Resource | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 26, 2016 12:55:00 PM

Streaming UniversityStreaming University: The Complete Broadcast Streaming Audio Resource

These days, streaming audio is everywhere, and the importance of streaming continues to grow for broadcasters across the globe. Anymore, simply having an audio stream isn’t enough - though it’s a start if you’re not already streaming now. If you aren’t, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to maximize listenership - and revenues! Broadcast streaming audio has become such an important facet of many radio stations’ offerings that it’s making up a larger portion of broadcast revenues every year.

Because this essential technology continues to proliferate, there’s a lot to know - even for those who have been streaming for several years. That’s why, earlier this year, the Telos Alliance developed Streaming University, a series of classes and an accompanying YouTube video series providing everything you need to know about streaming audio.

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Topics: Streaming Audio, adaptive streaming, audio, streaming, broadcast streaming, streaming for radio

TWiRT 322 - Alex and Chris, The Radio Tech Guys | Telos Alliance

TWiRT 322 - Alex and Chris, The Radio Tech Guys | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 21, 2016 1:00:00 PM

TWIRT322.pngTWiRT 322 - Alex and Chris, The Radio Tech Guys

Alex Linger and Chris Moran are two radio engineers using the latest technology to help broadcasters create news, sports, and entertainment. What sets them apart is how they share what they do with the rest of us. Alex and Chris have a new podcast and they produce how-to videos about broadcast studio and transmitter systems.

Guests: Alex Linger, Director of IT - West Virginia Radio Corp and Chris Moran, Director of Technology - West Virginia Radio Corp

Hosts:  Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist  and Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting



Links from the show: 

Platinum Tools EZ-RJ45 connectors and tools

The Radio Tech Guys web site

The Radio Tech Guys YouTube Channel


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Telos Z/IP ONE IP Codec Helps to Lay Down the Law | Telos Alliance

Telos Z/IP ONE IP Codec Helps to Lay Down the Law | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 19, 2016 1:05:00 PM

Telos Z/IP ONE IP codec at WMUZ Law DayTelos Z/IP ONE IP Codec Helps to Lay Down the Law

Sadly, not long after this interview was completed, the engineer featured in this story, Joe Huk, passed away suddenly. Joe was a talented engineer and will be greatly missed. We extend our condolences to his friends and family.

* * *

It's been a yearly tradition at WMUZ since the late ‘80s. During the first week in June,  Crawford Broadcasting's Detroit operation partners with Goodwin & Scieszka for the annual Law Day remote, where the client provides free legal advice and gives away safety helmets and bicycles to children in the community. It's an event that requires a lot of planning and preparation from chief engineer Joe Huk, along with a dedicated team at the station. It also involves the Telos Z/IP ONE broadcast IP codec.

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Topics: Remote Broadcasts, Telos Systems, Telos Z/IP ONE, broadcast codec

Vintage Audio: Panasonic 8-Track Player | Telos Alliance

Vintage Audio: Panasonic 8-Track Player | Telos Alliance

By The Telos Alliance Team on Oct 17, 2016 9:20:00 AM

Panasonic 8-Track PlayerVintage Audio: Panasonic 8-Track Player

Break out those Merle Haggard tapes, it's time to go 8-trackin'. During this trip to the attic, we'll revisit those 70s machines that go kachunk, 8-track players. We'll discover the history of this format, peek inside a Panasonic RS-804US 8-track player, and visit with 'Trackers', who keep everything 8-track alive.

It all began with a desire for freedom of choice. Back in the early 1960s, a few people had begun to resent the limited choices they had for music while driving. AM radio was predominately Top-40, with a very limited playlist. FM radio was in its infancy, and most car radios were AM only. Bottom line, if you lived outside urban areas, your options for automotive listening were limited. This restriction was especially felt by truck drivers, who spent countless hours on the road.

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