EAS at the Edge℠ - What does that mean, and why should I care?
By Guest Author on May 23, 2024 2:49:19 PM
EAS alert distribution finally realizes the benefits of AoIP
Guest editorial by Bill Robertson, VP Business Development, Digital Alert Systems, Inc.
(At NAB Show 2024, Telos Alliance, Digital Alert Systems, and Nautel announced a joint technical collaboration designed not only to complete the all-AoIP air chain but to give broadcasters more control, reliability, and flexibility in EAS implementation. - Ed.)
U.S. Broadcasters are required to provide emergency alerts to their audiences, but many radio stations use IP-based signal distribution — something incompatible with old-style EAS boxes. What is needed is a simple way to interface the real-world over-the-air reception of EAS events, filter and process the messages, and — if necessary — incorporate the alerts into the modern audio-over-IP (AoIP) air chain.
Read MoreTopics: IP Studios, virtualization
Nearly everything can be virtual now. Why not radio airchains?
Virtualization is a hot topic, not just in the broadcast business, but in scores of industries. Years ago, Telos Alliance made the strategic decision to migrate our solutions to virtual models that leverage the IT industry, the Internet, ubiquitous computing, state-of-the-art cyber security mitigation, and open standards and practices.
Read MoreTopics: Radio, AoIP networking, virtualization, infrastructure

Stick This In Your Rack! AP-3000 Makes Virtualization Easy
By Clark Novak on Nov 29, 2023 11:29:38 AM
Virtualization and containers simplified.
Talk to broadcasters these days and you'll find that virtually everyone (get it?) agrees that virtualization is "what's next." What they might not agree on is how to go about making it happen. Being helpful sorts, we've just announced a new platform that could be the simplest way yet to deploy virtual solutions.
Read MoreTopics: virtual radio, virtual radio software, virtualization, Infinity VIP, Omnia Forza, Axia Altus, Telos VXS, AP-3000
Virtualization can bring major benefits to any radio facility.
Broadcasters are increasingly making the shift to virtual broadcast tools as more and more software versions of broadcast equipment arrive on the scene. Why is virtualization trending up? Here are five compelling benefits of virtualizing your studio operations.
Read MoreTopics: virtual radio, virtual radio software, virtualization, Infinity VIP, Omnia Forza, Axia Altus, Telos VXS

REMI Production & Comms: Then & Now | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Jul 2, 2021 2:26:50 PM
REMI Production & Comms: Then & Now
REMI has changed dramatically since pre-pandemic days. Martin Dyster takes a look at what has changed and how the evolution inspired a new Virtual Intercom Platform.
Read MoreTopics: virtual radio software, virtualization, Infinity VIP, iQs, remi, remote productions, comms
Broadcast Trends to Watch This Year | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Feb 28, 2019 11:36:51 AM
Broadcast Trends to Watch This Year
2019 is moving fast. As broadcasters, it's important to be aware of the way the industry is trending and how these trends translate into your own facility operations and, ultimately, the overall performance of your broadcast content. We captured takes from some of the top minds here at Telos Alliance on what they expect (and hope) to see trending throughout the rest of the year.
Read MoreTopics: virtualization
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