TWiRT 392 - Choosing the Right Mic with Michelle Levitt | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 27, 2018 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 392 - Choosing the Right Mic with Michelle Levitt
Whether the medium is radio, TV, studio recording, live sound, or amateur radio, nearly all audio is captured with a microphone. But which mic is appropriate for any given sound capture situation? Michelle Levitt of Heil Sound is here to highlight different mic technologies, and explain some characteristics to observe when choosing right mic for the job.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Engineering, audio
Top Reasons to Start Your Facility's Transition to AoIP | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 25, 2018 12:00:00 PM
Top Reasons to Start Your Facility's Transition to AoIP
Updated August 29, 2018
Telos Alliance invented AoIP for broadcast in 2003 when we introduced Livewire, which has since become the foundation for our Axia brand. Today, broadcasters across the globe use Axia products, powered by Livewire, in thousands of AoIP studios worldwide.
Broadcasters are now beginning to understand the benefit of the AES67 interoperability standard (based largely on our Livewire protocol), which is to help them proceed confidently into the future of broadcast using AoIP as a backbone. With AoIP infrastructure and AES67, equipment from multiple manufacturers is interoperable. Clearly, now is the time to engage AoIP at all levels of your broadcast workflow.
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The Bisset Brief: Considering a Wireless Bridge STL | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 25, 2018 11:45:00 AM
The Bisset Brief: Considering a Wireless Bridge STL
Telos’ invention of AoIP almost 15 years ago has brought with it some amazing changes to broadcast engineering. In addition to simplified installation and the end of punching down long wiring runs, AoIP has brought with it a new look at the STL, or Studio-Transmitter Link.
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TWiRT 391 - Building a New FM Station in Hawai'i | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 21, 2018 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 391 - Building a New FM Station in Hawai'i
Hawai’i’s newest FM station has 40 owners, and isn’t on the air yet. The call sign is KHKU-FM and we’re in Lihu’e on the island of Kaua’i building the studio now. We’re talking with co-owners Joey Cummings, Larry Fuss, Mark Jensen, and Fletcher Ford as we put together the studio and rack room.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Engineering, audio

Why External Television Audio Processing Solutions Make More Sense Than Ever | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 18, 2018 4:00:00 PM
Why External Television Audio Processing Solutions Make More Sense Than Ever
One of my most memorable observations in television engineering came at the end of a rather lengthy telephone call a couple of years ago that involved helping a customer with an unusually complex requirement who said, “I remember when the audio was the easy part!”
Indeed, the days when the mere presence of sound on the aural carrier qualified as a thorough QC of the audio chain are long gone. The transition from analog to digital elevated television audio to something with which TV engineers had to make friends, and if they didn’t reach out to embrace it on their own, regulations like the CALM Act forced them to shake hands.
Topics: Telos Allilance
TWiRT 390 - Live from NAB 2018 | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 16, 2018 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 390 - Live from NAB 2018
Live from NAB 2018! Some of the hot topics at NAB this year: A microphone war story with Michelle Levitt, Frank Foti with the Chairman’s view, Will Mashione on efficient Local radio, Alex Hartman talking about the future of touchscreens, and a wireless broadband alternative with John Bohn.
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TWiRT 389 - Public Radio Engineers at NAB | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Apr 8, 2018 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 389 - Public Radio Engineers at NAB
The Association of Public Radio Engineers hold their conference each year, just before the big NAB Show in Las Vegas. It’s called the Public Radio Engineering Conference (PREC). The PREC is a terrific opportunity for engineers to learn the latest tech, brush up on fundamentals, and get some hands-on experience during the Night Owl session.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Engineering, audio

New Clipper and More in Omnia.11 Broadcast Audio Processor Update! | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 29, 2018 11:04:38 AM
New Clipper and More in Omnia.11 Broadcast Audio Processor Update!
When it comes to getting listeners to tune in all day long, great sound is what matters most. But with technology moving at breakneck speed, hardware can become outdated quickly, with many manufacturers requiring you to purchase a whole new processor once technology is improved, quickly rendering their own products obsolete. Omnia engineers are always looking for ways to supercharge their processors with improvements and features that benefit all users. Instead of making customers buy a whole new processor, Omnia offers free and low-cost software upgrades, actually making customers’ machines better over time, paying dividends on customers’ investment in Omnia processors.
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Topics: broadcast audio processor

Letting Go of the Intercom Matrix | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 26, 2018 10:30:00 AM
Letting Go of the Intercom Matrix
Why is it so hard to let go? There are always those few that are eager to jump to their next relationship, the next fashion, and the newest technology. We might envy them when it works out well, and secretly congratulate ourselves for waiting when it doesn’t. Eventually, though, the good ideas do tend to win out, and almost all of us do finally let go of S-VHS and Windows XP when we are sure that the cost and risk are acceptable, and the benefits will be real. Today, it’s time for broadcast intercom to let go of the matrix.
Read MoreTopics: Infinity, Intercom, Telos Allilance, TV Solutions Group

TWiRT 388 - Open Broadcaster with Rob Hopkins | Telos Alliance
By The Telos Alliance Team on Mar 23, 2018 1:00:00 PM
TWiRT 388 - Open Broadcaster with Rob Hopkins
Low-budget and community broadcasters are using free, open-source software to run many aspects of their broadcast operations. Take a listen to CJUC-FM, for example. Using local PCs or cloud-based operations, community stations can air quality programming, with either local or remote hosts. They can also fulfill both the letter and spirit of emergency broadcast requirements. Audio and video streaming are important aspects as well. Rob Hopkins, founder of Open Broadcaster, joins Chris and Kirk to talk about the possibilities and and what Yukon broadcasters are doing right now with this technology.
Read MoreTopics: Broadcast Engineering, audio
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